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Movie Screening - The Dark Hobby & How Conscious Can a Fish Be?

-> 5149 Bloomington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55417, USA
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. Join us to watch two films about fish! The Dark Hobby is an entertaining expose on the Hawai'i aquarium trade which has been catching reef fish for U.S. and global hobby tanks for decades. At any given moment, 28 million fish are in the aquarium trade pipeline from point of capture to home hobbyist tank. They represent over 1800 species, and many die within a year of capture, generating even more demand. In the film How Conscious Can a Fish Be?, we cover the evidence that suggests that fish feel, think and suffer, much like dogs, cats and other animals. We introduce you to the smartest fish in the world, delve deep into the twisted research done on pain in fish, and answer the age-old question: “does a goldfish have a 3 second memory?” Then join us for a discussion afterwards! Vegan snacks provided. Free parking lot and easy off street residential parking available.