Animal Rights Calendar Logo

Ohio Occurrence

-> Columbus, OH, USA
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. Ohio Occurrence Columbus is a four-day weekend of action for animals. Volunteers will be advocating for animals suffering in several different industries through outreach, demos, and protests. Guidance will be provided for new activists and allows them to gain experience with seasoned activists. Many volunteers will be joining from out of town or state and this fundraiser will help offset costs such as lodging, food, transportation, etc. This helps with the affordability for people to come support. Fundraiser: Registration form: ***YOU MUST REGISTER TO ATTEND THE EVENT*** Whether you plan on attending one day or all four, you must register in order to attend. If you have any questions please email Sign up as a mentee or mentor to take a stand for animals:
    Ohio Occurrence