Animal Rights Calendar Logo

Pro-Animal Social!

-> 801 S Cherry St, Glendale, CO 80246, USA
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. Come join the Pro-Animal community and enjoy free plant-based food! The Pro-Animal Social events are every two weeks. Learn about Pro-Animal Future's local campaigns and meet fellow voters and volunteers! Join us at 4:30pm (same location) for our Pre-Social Postcard Writing Party! Please bring your own plate/bowl, utensils, and water bottle If interested in bringing a vegan potluck dish, please do so (this is optional :) No drugs or alcohol, please How to find us: Park in lot with the “employee only” parking signs and walk to leasing office entrance along Cherry Street. Someone will let you in the main entrance. We look forward to meeting you!