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Solstice Beach Party at Kits Beach

-> 1305 Arbutus St, Vancouver, BC V6J 5N2, Canada
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. This is our annual meetup on the beach to celebrate Solstice. Some amazing vegan food companies have talked about attending our event this year, so stay tuned. Bring your own towel or blanket to sit on and some vegan snacks to share, such as strawberries, blueberries, popcorn etc. We're not meeting AT the Boathouse restaurant. We will be directly in front of the restaurant but very close to the water not the restaurant. All attempts to have signs over the years have resulted in the signs blowing over. You will find us by walking along the water's edge NOT by walking along the path beside the restaurant. Here's a map of approximately where we'll be: June solstice is the longest day of the year because the length of time between sunrise and sunset on that day is the yearly maximum. Daylight on Solstice this year will last 16 hours and 15 minutes. We won't stay crazy late but sunset will happen at about 9:22 pm and so we won't probably leave before 9:30. P.S. Let us know if you are going to arrive late but it's best to arrive early. Please arrive before 7:15. NB. In the case of any rain that day, the event will be postponed to Sunday. Please note: If it is sunny at 6:00 but the sand is wet from rain earlier, the event is still postponed.