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Planet Virginia

-> 200 Spring St #200, Herndon, VA 20170, USA
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. Due to popular demand The Planet Series has expanded into Virginia (along with Maryland and DC) in 2024. As Planet Bethesda became a Montgomery County favorite, we're merging Fairfax Veg Fest with the Planet Series Events and announcing a new Planet Virginia on Sunday, April 21st. Expect everything the Fairfax Veg Fest has become famous for in addition to exciting Planet extras. Same location! New attractions! Expanded exhibitors! So much more! Early confirmed speakers include: Neal Barnard MD Dr. T Colin Campbell LeAnne Campbell Gene Baur Want more information on the event? Please email us at NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for VENDORS and SPONSORS. Planet Virginia is brought to you by FARM and GreenFare Health and Wellness.