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Video Outreach for World Day for the End of Fishing

-> AT&T Discovery District, 308 S Akard St, Dallas, TX 75202, USA
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. Please join us on World Day for the End of Fishing, March 30, to inform others of the cruelty inflicted on fish for food and "sport". Fish feel agonizing pain while being stabbed, dragged, and handled. Once they’re yanked out of the water, they begin to suffocate, their gills often collapse, and their swim bladders can rupture from the change in pressure. Fish caught and released by humans suffer severely, and some die of shock from extreme stress. We will be displaying a video compilation that explains what is wrong with fishing, and handing out anti-fishing leaflets, kids comics, and stickers. We will be asking the pubic to never eat fish and to choose from the many vegan fish options instead. All materials will be provided. WHERE: AT&T Discovery District, 308 S Akard St, Dallas, TX 75202 (see map: Meet at the intersection of Jackson St & S Akard St. WHEN: Saturday, March 30 from 6 PM to 8 PM CONTACT: Kiara Lynes at Please arrive early to allow time for parking.