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Anti-Vivisection World Protest 2024

-> 11362 89 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E6, Canada
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. Today is the Annual Anti-Vivisection World Protest. As an organizer for Animal Save and Direct Action Everywhere this is the first protest of our kind in the city that I am aware of. These poor animals are in that building right now being tortured for science. They spend their entire existence in that lab being mutilated so we can have perfume, medication, dish detergent, house cleaning materials and of course they test the medication on the poor animals for all the side effects we as humans could possibly have. Are you ok with this happening in your City? We are not. We will stand outside the University of Alberta and join forces around the world protesting for the rights of these poor animals. We demand that we STOP TESTING ON ANIMALS. There is no need. We are technologically advanced enough that there are other ways to test products that do not involve using and abusing animals. Join us on April 27th for the World Wide Protest against Vivisection at the University of Alberta. Details of the meeting spot will be giving out before the event. Lets help put an end to this horrible practice. Be Vegan Be Active.
    Anti-Vivisection World Protest 2024