Animal Rights Calendar Logo

World Aquatic Animal Day

-> 1957 E St NW, Washington, DC 20052, USA
This event was pulled from connectforanimals. Please verify the details before attending. End time is an estimate. It’s easy to forget that our actions on land impact those who call the oceans and surrounding habitats home. This upcoming World Aquatic Animal Day (April 3), let's reimagine our relationship with ALL animals! When you choose vegan, you’re not only a friend to farm animals, but also to aquatic life. Aquatic animals aren’t just resources for food, clothing, research, or recreation — they’re sentient beings and part of our global community. Join us on April 3 from 4-6 PM ET to learn why our current human-animal relationships need updating, and to learn what it’d be like to live in a world where we all coexist. Farm Sanctuary is co-hosting this event with The George Washington University Law School chapter of Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF). All humans welcome.