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WTF 3 Minute Movie Challenge | Edmonton, CA | April 27th 2024

-> Gateway Blvd NW & 82 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E, Canada
Anyone is very much welcomJoin the WTF Edmonton group to be kept up to date with this and other events: The 3 Minute Movie Challenge is a unique way for members of the public to learn standard practices of the animal agriculture industry. They are invited to view a 3 minute movie in exchange for a vegan treat. Please join us for this impactful form of advocacy. Branded T-shirts are available to buy at (any profits will go towards providing equipment for volunteers or towards buying a t-shirt for an activist who can't afford one) Signs and resource cards to hand out will also be provided. If you would like to prepare your vegan advocacy skills in advance, here are a few resources we recommend: We are using the brand new My Stats dashboard to track the effectiveness of our advocacy. Don't forget to register for MyStats and create a referral code in order to track your activism, here is an easy getting started guide: For more information, go to login:
    WTF 3 Minute Movie Challenge | Edmonton, CA | April 27th 2024