Animal Rights Calendar Logo

Monthly Support Party Series

-> 5200 Escondido Canyon Rd #5200, Acton, CA 93510, USA
Join us for our Monthly Support Parties series! Support Parties include volunteering, an optional vegan potluck lunch, and a sanctuary tour. Volunteers must be 18 years or older to participate. Time: 10:00 AM -2:00 PM PT Vegan Potluck: 1:00 PM PT (optional) Complimentary Tour: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PT (optional) Monthly Support Parties provide compassionate folks with a fun, positive opportunity to: - Meet new friends - Pitch in with chores and projects - Spend time with rescued farm animals - Learn more about our sanctuaries and efforts to protect animals from abuse All support party days are devoted to activities that help us operate our sanctuaries and contribute to the success of our education and advocacy programs. Farm chores and projects generally include activities such as barn cleaning and grounds maintenance projects. Support party chores are not glamorous and may be physically demanding and/or repetitious; however, every task assists us with carrying out our daily mission of rescuing, protecting, and caring for farm animals in need. Monthly chores and projects are determined immediately prior to the work party according to our greatest and most timely needs. Volunteers have been an integral part of the Farm Sanctuary team since we began back in 1986, and are key contributors to our success. Volunteers help us carry out our mission by improving the lives of farm animals, inspiring change in how society views and treats farm animals, and promoting compassionate vegan living. The Environment & Experience Teams thank you!