
Meetup: What to do if You Find a Wild Animal in Need

-> 2414 Sixth St 2414 2414, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Have you ever encountered an injured squirrel, or a baby bird, and not known how to help? At this Meetup Dion from WildCare Wildlife Hospital will share with us about what to do if we find wild animals in need. Each species of animal is different so there are important things to know about what to do and what not to do regarding different types of animals. Right now in spring time especially we are more likely to find baby animals in need. So it’s important we learn the skills now to be able to properly help - and not further harm - our wildlife friends. Where: Berkeley Animal Rights Center West (2414 6th St, Berkeley) When: May 18th, 11am ~ 12:30pm What: Community meetup - If you cannot join in person, you can join at 11:15am on Zoom at this link: dxe.io/meetupzoom - ARC West is a 30 minute walk from North Berkeley BART and only a 10 minute walk from the 51B bus stop at University and 6th St. - Dogs that like other dogs are welcome at this event! - There will be brunch and coffee, donations accepted Every Saturday at 11am we have Meetups for everyone and anyone who cares about animals and making the world a better place! Learn more about our values here: dxe.io/values --- Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) is a grassroots network of animal rights activists. Through open rescue, demonstration, and disruption, we are creating a world where every animal is safe, happy and free. DxE cultivates a welcoming and supportive community. We ask that all those who attend our events (online and offline) respect our Code of Conduct which can be reviewed at dxe.io/conduct To learn about our vision, goals, strategy and more check out the San Francisco Bay Area chapter Activist Handbook here dxe.io/handbook If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail sfbay@directactioneverywhere.com