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FAUN "Abolish Live Markets!" demo @ Marzigliano Animal Dungeon, West New York,NJ

-> 5217 Bergenline Ave, West New York, NJ 07093, USA
Join FAUN as we once again line up at Marzigliano’s “Live Poultry” Hellhole in West New York, NJ on Saturday, August 17th, to elevate public consciousness regarding so-called “food” animals & work against those who enslave, torture & kill our feathered & fur-bearing friends for profit. Demonstrate your love for animals by jumping in with us as we again turn our attention to the plight of helpless chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, rabbits, pigeons, turkeys, pigs, goats (etc), who are so cruelly, systematically confined, tortured, killed & sold at the “Live Markets” so pervasive in NJ & across NYC. JOIN US in our fight for the emancipation of these sacred living beings!!! FB Event Page/RSVP: --------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT: FAUN “Abolish Live Markets!” demo @ Marzigliano's Live Animal Dungeon in West New York, NJ WHEN: Saturday, August 17th, 2024 TIME: From 1:00pm to 5:00pm WHERE: Marzigliano's Live Animal Dungeon, 5217 Bergenline Avenue, West New York, NJ, 07093-5512. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARKING: For those driving in, Bergenline Ave is the main thoroughfares running through West New York. Take Bergenline Ave (from either direction) onto 53rd Street. 53rd St is a “one way” which starts where it forms a “T” intersection with Bergenline Ave (you can’t miss it!) Once you’ve made the turn onto 53rd St, you’ll see a public parking garage not even half a block down on the left. Local Street Map: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *NOTE TO NYC ACTIVISTS: There is a bus directly from the Port Authority,NYC which drops you off in front of Marzigliano's Live Poultry Market. NJ Transit bus # 159 toward Fort Lee/Linwood Park. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information on the commercial poultry & egg industries' treatment of both "broiler" & "layer" chickens, please check out this very solid catalogue of resources from United Poultry Concerns: https://www.upc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meat industry is responsible for more than 90% of animal cruelty & extirpation on this planet. Fighting against the meat industry, in whatever form, is therefore CENTRAL to winning the animal/earth liberation struggle & making this world a better place for literally billions of our voiceless friends. Please come and help us do just that! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact us for more info about this event, other FAUN campaigns or general inquiries about FAUN group & our mission. / Instagram: @faun_nj / tel: (732) 693-9044 FAUN - P.O. Box 1147 - Jackson NJ 08527
    FAUN "Abolish Live Markets!" demo @ Marzigliano Animal Dungeon, West New York,NJ