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The Humane League: Boston Team ๐Ÿฃ August Changemaker Meetup

-> 700 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116, USA
About this event Hello, this is our monthly changemaker meetup. We will be onboarding new members, taking FAN action, discussing our Crumbl campaign, and discussing our plans for talking to reps about policy! It will be at the Boston Public Library. We will meet in the courtyard at 3pm. I will also be outside the Copley Square entrance around 2:45 until 3. After the courtyard we may move around the library if we want more table space. Text or call me if you cannot find us. The closent T is the Copley Square green line stop. Parking is not good at Copley. Also, please rsvp on the mobilize! ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿท By attending this and any other The Humane League event, you agree to adhere to The Humane League's Safer Spaces Policy and the event terms & conditions . Thank you for creating an uplifting and supportive space for all activists in our community! The Humane League exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food by influencing the policies of the worldโ€™s biggest companies, demanding legislation, and empowering others to take action and leave animals off their plates.