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Court Support for Zoe Rosenberg & the Right To Rescue

-> 600 Administration Dr 600 600, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, USA
Join us at court support for animal rescuer Zoe Rosenberg in a hearing for the Perdue Rescue case. Our friend Zoe is facing 2 felonies and up to 8 years in prison for rescuing 4 chickens, Poppy, Aster, Ivy & Azalea, from Perdue’s Petaluma Poultry Slaughterhouse. By being in the courtroom, we are not only supporting Zoe, we are also supporting the Right to Rescue and showing those in power that a lot of people stand with the chickens who are being criminally abused by Perdue's Petaluma Poultry. We will continue to rise in the face of this repression. Dress as nicely as you can and not in shorts, sweatpants, or tank tops. See you all there, thank you so much for your dedication and support!" Dress as nicely as you can and not in shorts, sweatpants, or tank tops. See you all there, thank you so much for your dedication and support! —--------------- WHERE: 600 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa WHEN: Wednesday, September 4th meeting at 12:30pm WEAR: Business casual or appropriate attire if possible. WHO: Everyone is welcome! However, please do not come if you have or recently had symptoms of or exposure to COVID-19. ACCESSIBILITY: Some walking, standing, and possibly one flight of stairs. --- Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) is a grassroots network of animal rights activists. Through open rescue, demonstration, and disruption, we help build a world where every animal is safe, happy and free. DxE cultivates a welcoming and supportive community. We ask that all those who attend our events (online and offline) respect our Code of Conduct which can be reviewed at . To learn about our vision, goals, strategy and more check out the San Francisco Bay Area chapter Activist Handbook here: