Animal Rights Calendar Logo


-> Parking lot, 8728 Holman Rd NW, Seattle, WA 98117, USA
*Animal Rights Initiative will be back on Sunday, September 8th, to demonstrate against Petco's unnecessary and harmful animal sales for the pet trade! We will set up in front of the Ballard/Crown Hill store, which gets a lot of traffic, to raise our voices for all the awesome birds, ferrets, fishes, snakes, hamsters, and other sentient creatures forcibly entrapped in tanks and cages for human entertainment. Feel free to join us for the cause!!* Animal Rights Initiative is continuing its campaign to pressure Petco to stop breeding, selling and treating magnificent birds, ferrets, guinea pigs, turtles, and other species like disposable merchandise, only to be used for our entertainment. Petco deprives all of these awesome animals the ability to live in any kind of natural habitat that they’re suited for and sticks them on shelves for humans to gawk at and take home, like toys. As well, suppliers of Petco have been cited by the USDA for terrible mistreatment and care of the animals they breed. We want to tell Petco that their animal cruelty is disgusting, to announce an end their pet trade, and only support rescue and adoption!! WHEN/WHERE: Sunday September 8th, 11:30am-1 8728 Holman Road NW Seattle (Ballard PETCO) Message Josh here if any questions/comments on the event! DISCLAIMER: ABSOLUTELY NO RACISM, SEXISM, ABLEISM, HOMOPHOBIA, ETC. WILL BE TOLERATED. Also, please try keep any clothing and personal items to neutral or animal rights-related messaging. Thank you!!! #animalactivist #animalactivists #animalrights #animalwelfare #vegan #plantbased #kindness #evolve #transcend #dharma #human #bekind #proanimal #endallanimaloppression #justiceforanimals #emptythecages #setthemfree #petco #petsmart #veganoutreach #banpetsales #gerbils #chinchilla #betta