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Justice for Chickens: Court of Appeal Peaceful Demonstration

-> Strand, London WC2A 2LL, UK
Join us to make history for chickens between 08:00-10:30 on Wednesday 23rd October 2024, at The Royal Courts of Justice in London. Four years ago, we embarked on a journey that we hoped would end the use of fast-growing breeds of chicken, called Frankenchickens, for good, by making them illegal in the UK. Frankenchickens have suffering hard wired into their very DNA. They are bred specifically to grow too big, too fast, reaching full slaughter weight at just 35 days old. As a result they suffer immensely from their extreme size, lying in their own excrement and unable to move, resulting in burns on their sensitive skin; and often dying prematurely from organ failure, heart attacks and worse. The law states that animals cannot be farmed if their genetics cause health and welfare problems. Yet the widespread use of Frankenchickens continues, making up over 90% of all chickens raised and killed for meat. Their welfare is so bad, that over 1.5 million die every single week in UK farms BEFORE even reaching slaughter. This cannot go on. Our challenge against the government was granted and a full hearing in the High Court took place in May 2023. When we lost the case last year, we vowed we wouldn’t give up. In late 2023, our appeal was granted - so now we’re taking the Government back to court. We need YOU to join us for a peaceful demonstration outside the court between 08:00-10:30 on Wednesday 23rd October as it is paramount we show huge support and solidarity for the chickens.