Animal Rights Calendar Logo

Little Rock: Protest Crumbl Animal Cruelty!

-> 11525 Cantrell Rd #304, Little Rock, AR 72212, USA
RSVP HERE: Crumbl has repeatedly declined to adopt a transparent animal welfare policy, including a 100% cage-free nationwide commitment. Join us as to tell management how important it is that they take a stand for animals. This event is part of a larger, nationwide campaign to exert pressure on the leadership at Crumbl. Help amplify our message! 🐔🐮🐷 By attending this and any other The Humane League event, you agree to adhere to The Humane League's Safer Spaces Policy and the event terms & conditions. Thank you for creating an uplifting and supportive space for all activists in our community! The Humane League exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food by influencing the policies of the world’s biggest companies, demanding legislation, and empowering others to take action and leave animals off their plates.