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Aldi Grand Opening Protest Against Cages

-> 215 Harlem Ave, Forest Park, IL 60130, USA
We just got word that there will be a new Aldi grand opening this Thursday, November 7th in Forest Park, IL! We want to be there to call out the grocery chain's refusal to adopt a real policy that bans the use of cages for pregnant pigs and hens, especially considering they have meaningful commitments in other countries. Can you join us in protest just before the Aldi ribbon cutting ceremony starts at 8:15am? Customers need to know that Aldi is falling behind other grocery chains, like Albertsons and Costco, for allowing such extreme abuse in their US supply chain. Here are the details: Thursday, November 7 8:00am-9:30am - we want to be there before the ribbon cutting ceremony begins! Aldi, 215 Harlem Avenue, Forest Park, IL 60130 Please RSVP by emailing Zachary Jordan at so you can be in touch! Posters and leaflets will be provided, but feel free to bring a megaphone if you have one. Also, please refrain from wearing clothing with messaging on it as to not confuse or distract from the main message. Hope you can join us!
    Aldi Grand Opening Protest Against Cages