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Free the Animals Friday

-> 400 Grand Ave W, Southlake, TX 76092, USA
Please join local PETA supporters for the first-ever “Free the Animals” Friday—a powerful initiative by PETA supporters countrywide—on November 29 to protest against Coach’s sale of leather and the extreme cruelty of the leather industry by urging holiday shoppers to shop vegan. More than a billion gentle cows and other animals are killed annually for their skin worldwide. Many of them are forced to endure all the horrors of factory farming—including castration, branding, dehorning, and tail docking, often without any painkillers. After a lifetime of intensive confinement, these gentle animals are sometimes even still conscious as they’re skinned and dismembered for handbags, shoes, jackets, or other items. With the widespread availability of animal-friendly materials—including vegan leathers made from apples, mushrooms, mangoes, tree bark, and many other natural sources—it’s time for Coach to get on board by choosing style, compassion, and true sustainability. DETAILS OF ACTION: WHEN: Friday, 29 November 2024, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. CDT WHERE: Coach, 400 Grand Ave W, Southlake, TX 76092 MAP: Contact: Kiara at All materials (such as posters and leaflets) will be provided. See less
    Free the Animals Friday