
NICE Video Outreach at Santa Monica Pier

-> 301 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA
Please join us in Nicely Inspiring Compassion Everywhere. This event is Friendly Interactions Only*, Likely Safe* & free. (*--> http://SoCalVeg.org/EventClassifications.html ) All participants are asked to be civil and friendly with everyone (including hecklers) at this event. We show some compassion promoting videos (including graphic footage of factory farms) for two hours. We will engage the public about veganism. Please do not attend if you suspect that you are contagious with an illness. Place: On the pier close to 301 Santa Monica Pier. Call the contact to reach us at the outreach (if you are having trouble finding us or to check if it is canceled due to rain, etcetera). After the outreach, we may have a meal within a few miles of Santa Monica.