Ahold/Stop and Shop Hq 🐤 Demo
-> 1385 Hancock St, Quincy, MA 02169, USA
We are kicking off our Stop and Shop campaign with a demo at Ahold Delhaize/Stop and Shop HQ in Quincy, MA on Thursday, March 13th at 2:00 PM. 10 years ago Stop and Shop and its parent company Ahold Delhaize promised its customers and the world that it would eliminate battery cages from its supply chain by 2025. They lied. We are protesting Ahold Delhaize to make good on their promises. We want them to end battery cages in their supply chain. We will meet at 2:00 at the Quincy Center red line Stop, and head to HQ at 2:05. Signs will be provided, although you are encouraged to make your own. The Humane League's mission is to end factory farming, and to end the abuse of animals raised for food. By attending this and any other The Humane League event, you agree to adhere to The Humane League's Safer Spaces Policy and the event terms & conditions...