5th Annual UK Animal Law Conference
-> 4 Cardigan St, Birmingham B4 7BD, UK
The UK’s national animal law conference for academics, lawyers, NGOs, and students. Conference theme: Using Law to Advance Effective Animal Protection. Our Vision: The UK Animal Law Conference is the nation’s definitive meeting place for academics, lawyers, NGOs, and students working toward full protection for animals in the UK’s law and internationally. As such, the conference aims are: Educating one another about the national and international legal landscape for animals, the latest research, and recent updates on law, policy, and education. Network building to bridge the gaps between academics, lawyers, NGOs, and students interested in animal law in order to enhance the impact of work toward full protection for animals in law. Collaborating to generate new ideas, identify synergies, and share good practice toward better legal futures for animals. The scope of the conference encompasses animal law, ethics, policy, and education. The conference encompasses the full range of animal law issues, also covering animal law’s interaction with environmental law, international trade law, and more.